Members Area

Official LSOG members may view all sections of the website as well as view each others’ profiles. Being an official member means having paid the standard member fee in 2015/2016.


Local Meetings & Events June - July 2011

14ème Congrès Chirurgical Libanais du Printemps et du Cours Supèrieur de Mastologie

Organized by MANSOMED in collaboration with La Société Libanaise de Chirurgie Générale

Benign and Preinvasive Disease of the Breast - Advanced Course of Mastology

Organized by Mansomed in collaboration with Lebanese Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Troisième Journée Libano-Européenne de Gynécologie-Obstétrique

Organized by La Clinique Du Levant in collaboration with Lebanese University and L'Association Médicale Franco-Libanaise

LSOG seminar series: Updates on management of recurrent UTIs

LSOG seminar series: Updates on "Prenatal screening tests"

LSOG session in the Congress of the Franco- Lebanesee Medical Association:

Training and development of material related to Women's Health and the Media with UNFPA

Updates on "Prenatal screening tests" - Updates on diagnosis and management of RTIs - Updates on "Prenatal screening tests"